DSIL 2024 Alumni Reunion - Community Abundance Price


Join us at the DSIL ‘Alumni’ Reunion in Lisbon

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon, October 11th -14th 2024 for DSIL’s “Alumni Reunion”.

The reunion runs October 11th-14th, beginning at noon on the 11th, and closing dinner the evening of October 14th. From there, people can fly home, decide to stay, relax, integrate and reflect, or discover this wonderful place solo or with friends and family.

DSIL Reunion Ticket

Join us at the DSIL ‘Alumni’ Reunion in Lisbon

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon, October 11th -14th 2024 for DSIL’s “Alumni Reunion”.

The reunion runs October 11th-14th, beginning at noon on the 11th, and closing dinner the evening of October 14th. From there, people can fly home, decide to stay, relax, integrate and reflect, or discover this wonderful place solo or with friends and family.

Join us at the DSIL ‘Alumni’ Reunion in Lisbon

We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon, October 11th -14th 2024 for DSIL’s “Alumni Reunion”.

The reunion runs October 11th-14th, beginning at noon on the 11th, and closing dinner the evening of October 14th. From there, people can fly home, decide to stay, relax, integrate and reflect, or discover this wonderful place solo or with friends and family.

Join us at the DSIL ‘Alumni’ Reunion in Lisbon

DSIL 2.0WEaving bold possibilities together - bringing to life the agency of We

A chance to meet, share, learn, compost, and weave together – building new possibilities in a world of discord and disorder that needs bold positive transformation

Sharing our journeys, renewing our connections, and nurturing our spirits while combining our energy and experience to unpick the threads of power and nurture new beginnings  

Our aim is to arrive with open hearts and minds, and to leave with a renewed sense of agency and purpose…

  • All DSIL welcome..bring the family, make it a break, and enjoy Lisbon together

  • Tickets are Available NOW!

The Family Reunion Must-Knows

  • Participants: This event is open to all DSIL Alumni and their families (however you define family).

    • Alumni will have time in the morning afternoon and evening to spend with family

    • Partners and family members are welcome to join us and contribute to our sessions

    • If a family member is going to walk-side-by-side, we ask you to contribute to us being able to nourish those alumni and your guests.

  • Dates: The reunion runs October 11th-14th, beginning at 12 pm on the 11th, ending on the morning of October 14th when people fly home or decide to stay, relax, integrate and reflect, or discover this wonderful place solo or with friends and family.

    • Friday (11th) 12pm start

    • Saturday (12th) Full Day - 9am to 1pm, 3pm to 6pm

    • Sunday (13th) Full Day - 9am to 1pm, 3pm to 6pm

    • Monday (14th) Full Day - 9am to 1pm, 3pm to 6pm

  • Cost: $400 USD is the cost.

    • This is the cost for a single alumni

    • There is no additional charge for family, unless you imagine they will be participating for an extended period of time.

  • What is covered in cost:

    • Beautiful and Locally Owned Gathering Space for all 4 days

    • Welcome Lunch/Event (11th)

    • Closing Meal/Event (14th)

    • Snacks & Refreshments 11th -14th

  • What is not covered in cost:

    • To make this accessible and cost-friendly to all who want to attend, we are creating space for you to show up however you need.

      • Everyone handles their own accommodations

      • Everyone handles their own breakfast

      • Everyone explores and adventures in groups or alone for lunches and dinner (except for welcome lunch and closing dinner)

      • Everyone handles their own transportation, and our gatherings will predominantly be close to Lisbon City Center

We care about redistributing wealth in ways that support the local economy. That means that we support all locals while immersing them in what is included in the course, paying people for their time and wisdom, and feeling how this way of being in the world fuels change in a small but significant way. We are a Queer led and Feminist company supported by the many who keep us alive and healthy enough to thrive. You will be supporting that too!